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31: Daddy NNS

    Kyle is feeling a little under the weather for this episode, but his froggy voice doesn’t stand in the way of pitching a bold vision for an NNS marketing treasury to grow the platform. Jesse digs into the Origyn Perpetual OS whitepaper, and then both hosts are stoked to review the results of the IC Energy Consumption and Sustainability report.


    There’s A LOT to get excited for on the #InternetComputer.  Let’s review…  🧵👇

    Origyn Perpetual OS

    Perpetual OS Whitepaper

    Austin’s statement 

    Internet Computer Footprint: Assessing IC Energy Consumption and Sustainability


    Ask Neurotic:

    We’ve clearly seen the speculation/hype phase of NFTs. I think the utility phase of NFTs is next. What does this utility phase look like to you? What real world benefits do you want for owning NFTs?

    How does the rate of node approvals affect ICP price action, and can there be supply shocks from approving too many nodes?

    Apocalypse demo from Public DFINITY presentation 



    Jesse: Nope

    Kyle: Untold: The Girlfriend Who Didn’t Exist 


    Got feedback, Ask Neurotic questions or just want to chat?  Follow us on twitter @neuroticpod