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27: There’s No Crying in Blockchain

    Jesse & Kyle answer the big question: if you were a ninja turtle, which turtle would you be? They also discuss parenting, Web5, Web3, Web2, Terabithia, IC Lab and Codebase. Big Poppa Wenzel, Sheriff Bob Bodily and Governance Authority Ysyms are all name checked to show we are the official ICP podcast. In the aftershow Jesse makes Kyle talk about new iPhones and the nature of creativity. (Editor’s note: apologies for some minor audio issues in the first few minutes. Those responsible have been sacked.)

    The Wenzel Special Taco NFT Shirt 

    DFINITY’s Bitcoin video with Andrew and Manu

    Web5 has already been delivered


    Web3, why bother?

    Terabithia stats

    IC Lab

    Codebase by Paul Young

    Who allows DFINITY employees to represent ICP officials?


    Kyle: King Lear

    Jesse: A League of Their Own

    King Lear 2018 BBC Series


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