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06: Speaking of Ship of Theseus

    In Episode 6 Jesse and Kyle discuss the filmography of Aaron Sorkin, Kyle submits an NNS proposal, Jesse submits an NNS proposal, Jesse is opening a digital taco stand, the boys argue about boat metaphors, and more documentaries are recommended. 

    Show Notes:

    Follow up on NNS Spam

    Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip

    West Wing Weekly Podcast

    Is Bitcoin bad for the environment? 

    Follow up on Jesse’s Sustainability Proposal 

    🌮Jesse launches Taco NFTs

    🌮Taco NFTs Discord 

    🌮Taco NFTs Twitter 

    White People Taco Night

    Tacos for dogs

    Cycles burn rate increasing, what does it mean?

    Ex-Cardano Exec Eva Oberholzer Joins DFINITY as Chief Growth Officer

    Jesse’s Wen Moon article


    Ship of Theseus 


    Kyle: Tiger King 

    Jesse: Exit Through the Gift Shop


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